Caravaning Brno
20. - 23. 10. 2022

Postl camperbox

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 034A

Address of the company


Žerotínova 629/40
370 04, České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Company ID 2775603
Phone: +420 773 294 769


Postl camperbox - camping box in a van with a kitchen, folding bed and storage space, which will turn your travel into a unique experience. Our camping box offers all the comfort of a large car and makre your van into a cheap motorhome. You don't have to deal with buying a motorhome or trailer before going on vacation. You simply focus on the interior of your van, order the installation in a few clicks and easily place it in the car after delivery. After returning from vacation, you remove the camping box from the car and store it for the next season. Your van serves as a multifunctional companion at home and on the road.

Represented brands

Postl camperbox
2.3 Individual layouts

Fields of activity

2.3 Individual layouts