Caravaning Brno
20. - 23. 10. 2022

Oldřich Svoboda - SVA Třebíč

LOCATION: Open air space P / 003

Address of the company


Hrotovická 173
674 01, Třebíč
Czech Republic
Company ID 12151271
Phone: +420 602 788 543


Production of residential superstructures for all brands of pickup vehicles. Superstructures are made of welded aluminum construction with a 40mm insulating wall. They are mainly produced hydraulically or electrically extendable with a fixed roof. They differ in the level of equipment and the number of beds for 2 to 5 people. All of them are built for year-round operation, including toilets and showers. The specialty is heating with diesel combined stoves without electricity consumption.

Exhibited products

Carcamper pickup

Fields of activity

2 Motor caravans