SALIMATECH and EmbaxPrint
07. - 09. 02. 2023

Panini s.r.l.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 041

Address of the company


Via P. Taruffi, 70
41053, Maranello
Company ID 1292320361
Phone: +39 053 694 070 7


PANINI s.r.l., Maranello, Italy - is producer of: - static autoclaves with all types of heating with diameter from 1 to 2 m for 2 to 8 baskets - rotary autoclaves with steam or spray heating with diameter from 1 to 2 m for 2 to 5 baskets - steam boilers and steam generators with capacity from 30 to 25.000 kg per hour - automatic basket cagers and decagers - automatic shuttles for loading and unloading baskets in and out from autoclaves - paletizers and depaletizers of classic construction or with robots.

Exhibited products

Represented brands

16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other

Fields of activity

11 Machines and technologies for dairy industry
12 Machines and technologies for meat industry
13 Machines and technologies for fruit and vegetable processing
16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other