M-ex Production s.r.o.
Pavilion V / 071
Address of the company
Veslařská 153/136
637 00, Brno
Czech Republic
637 00, Brno
Czech Republic
Company ID | 26291240 |
Phone: | +420 602 775 486 |
E-mail: | mex@mex.cz |
Webpage: | http://www.mex.cz |
We manufacture nitrogen generators and recovery of fermentable CO2. Our technology is used to produce food gases for the beverage industry.
Exhibited products
Represented brands
16.2.28 Technical gases for the food industry
16.2 General-use machines, equipment and means/tools for food industry
Fields of activity
15.2.5 Machines for the production of carbonized lemonades
16.2 General-use machines, equipment and means/tools for food industry
16.2.28 Technical gases for the food industry
45.5 Filling machines and equipment