SALIMATECH and EmbaxPrint
07. - 09. 02. 2023

VAC-STAR CZ, s. r. o.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 090

Address of the company


U Panasonicu 376
530 06, Pardubice
Czech Republic
Company ID 25274261
Phone: +420 466 650 517


VAC STAR is a worldwide active enterprise and is a manufacturer of high- precision Sous-vide baths, Sous-vide thermostats, vacuum-packaging machines and Sous-vide bags. VAC STAR has produced vacuum-packaging machines and devices in the highest quality segment for trade and industry since 1974. The enterprise has supplied vacuum and Sous-vide bags from their own production plants throughout Europe since 1991. To round off the product range, VAC STAR began the production of Sous-vide baths in 2007, and became the first and, until now, the only company which produces an entire range, from vacuum machines to the Sous-vide bath, right up to the Sous-vide bag, at their own production sites. To develop the efficiency and flexibility of the company, VAC STAR started up another production plant in the Czech Republic in 1991. The highly motivated team at the Pardubice production site are also producing units of the highest quality. The enterprise remains 100% in the founder's family possession, and their aspiration is to serve their customers with high quality, innovative products.

Represented brands

16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other

Fields of activity

16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other