ANIMAL TECH, Národní výstava hospodářských zvířat
22. - 26. 04. 2023

Marta MASTNÁ - Výtvarnice

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 004

Address of the company


Dašovský mlýn - Štěměchy 32
675 27, Předín
Czech Republic
Company ID 13072528
Phone: +420 606 788 244


A family company engaged in the production of small decorative items for breeders from their own drawings and photographs. In 33 years on the market, it has built the largest assortment in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the field of double-sided car stickers, cartoon stickers and signs, which includes almost 6,000 items. Not only dogs and horses are depicted, but also animals from hunting and all other breeding fields - farm, small pets, cats, terrariums, etc.

Fields of activity

4 Horses
11 Gear for Horse Keepers and Horsemen