MicroStep, spol. s r.o.
Address of the company
831 04, Bratislava
Company ID | 603015 |
Phone: | +421 918 799 036 |
E-mail: | sales@microstep.sk |
Webpage: | http://www.microstep.eu |
MicroStep develops, manufactures and supplies multi-functional CNC cutting machines that can accommodate a wide range of processes and accessories in a single machine. MicroStep machines enable complex bevel cutting jobs with all technologies – plasma, fiber laser, oxyfuel and waterjet along with marking, drilling, tapping, milling and countersinking operations. MicroStep machines are put into daily use in almost 60 countries around the world. Thanks to the expansion of portfolio to include laser welding and bending, the company offers turnkey solutions of work cells, including the integration of individual production workplaces into own central production management system, automation of processes via material handling systems, and digitalization. In addition to machines, MicroStep develops and supplies own control systems, CAM software, CAPP applications and digitalization solutions under the brand CyberFab. Company websites: www.microstep.eu www.cyberfab.com
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