4IGV s.r.o.
Pavilion A2 / 049A, Pavilion A2 / 049
Address of the company
Haštalská 1072/6
110 00, Praha 1
Czech Republic
110 00, Praha 1
Czech Republic
Company ID | 11796715 |
Phone: | +420 732 603 712 |
E-mail: | info@4igv.cz |
Webpage: | http://4igv.cz |
The logistics automation company 4IGV s.r.o. is a provider and direct supplier of Agilox intelligent guided vehicles.
Represented brands
10.6.6 Driverless trucks, induction trucks
Fields of activity
10.6.6 Driverless trucks, induction trucks
10.10.8 Automated handling systems
17.5.3 Automatic input material and raw material storage systems
17.5.6 Automatic systems for in-house transport of semi-products and products