04. - 06. 06. 2024

Urban Tree Offset Initiative z.s.

LOCATION: Pavilion A1 / 006

Address of the company


Přívrat 65
560 02, Přívrat
Czech Republic
Company ID 19180225
Phone: +420 724 381 292
E-mail: info@utoi.cz
Webpage: http://www.utoi.cz


The non-profit organization Urban Tree Offset Initiative, z.s. was founded in 2023 to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The NGO runs a carbon offseting program based on nature-based solution, that works primarily with trees in settlements already growing there. A pilot project has been carried out on eight urban trees in Brno and will be presented for the first time at URBIS The Smart Cities Meetup. Visit booth #6 and find out how you can turn the trees in your city into a financial asset and sequester additional carbon from the atmosphere. VISION: Every tree, especially those in urban areas, serves to maximize climate change mitigation and adaptation. This means that the tree becomes an asset, not a liability. MISSION: - Maximize the ecosystem services of carefully selected trees while maintaining their safety. - Implement measures that can achieve these goals. - Optimize these measures to make the most efficient use of resources and leave the lowest carbon footprint. - Find the financial resources to implement such measures. - Initiate and conduct research on measures that lead to the maximization of tree ecosystem services. - Initiate the implementation of urban forestry innovations into practice. The organization owns a license to future rights arising from patent protection under the invention application Method of reducing the CO2 content of the atmosphere by additional carbon storage in existing trees through appropriate tree selection and optimization of support measures (CZ202386A3).

Fields of activity

2.2 Climate Change Adaptation Measures