04. - 06. 06. 2024

Brněnské komunikace a.s.

LOCATION: Pavilion A1 / 058

Address of the company


Renneská třída 1a
639 00, Brno
Czech Republic
Company ID 60733098
Phone: +420 543 210 119
E-mail: zahorska@bkom.cz
Webpage: http://www.bkom.cz


The company Brněnské komunikace a.s. was founded in 1995 and is a joint-stock company whose sole shareholder is the statutory city of Brno. In particular, it provides engineering work for transport and land structures, design work and property law preparation of upcoming buildings, processes forecasts, plans and models of transport. In the territory of the city of Brno, it manages and maintains light signaling at intersections, road markings, supervises the condition of roads and transport structures, incl. tunnels. It is also entrusted with the organization of traffic at rest. Geodetic work, winter and summer road maintenance and central traffic management in the city of Brno are an integral part of a wide range of BKOM activities.

Fields of activity