04. - 06. 06. 2024

Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

LOCATION: Pavilion A1 / 070, Pavilion A1 / 071, Pavilion A1 / 072

Address of the company


Na Františku 32
110 15, Praha 1
Czech Republic
Company ID 47609109
Phone: +420 224 851 111
E-mail: scheiner@mpo.cz
Webpage: http://www.mpo.cz


Vystavovatel nemá vyplněný popis.

Represented brands

City For The Future
7.2 Support for Innovative Entrepreneurship and Its Development

Fields of activity

1.4 Service Digitalization and Process Automation
4.1 Renewable Energy Sources
4.7 Energy Management
4.9 Sustainability and Energy Security
7.2 Support for Innovative Entrepreneurship and Its Development
7.3 Innovation and Cooperation with Investors
10.5 Grant and Funding Advisory