MSV – International Industrial Fair
08. - 11. 10. 2024


LOCATION: Pavilion V / 084E

Address of the company


Street: 2F, No. 2-1, Wuguan Rd., Wugu Dist.
24886, New Taipei City
Company ID 0
Phone: +886 222 991 556


Gear Mechanism Design Company: Providing Innovative Solutions Founded in 2013, IDP CO., LTD. is a high quality transmission gear manufacturer and provide transmission solutions for our client The total solution includes concept, design, sample, pilot run, quality control standards to production. The customize products to meet the demands of the products. The criteria of our profession are as following: transmission professionalism, preliminary analysis, concept sketch design, material knowledge. We work effectively with diverse clients on gear module systems, medical equipment, aerospace industry, industrial automation, semiconductor equipment and other diverse fields. We collaborate with professional CNC parts manufacturers to ensuring quality and precision. We thoroughly inspect all components to meet the standards before assembling process. Optional inspection processes include dimension checks, surface treatment inspections, material verification, and more, We would like to guarantee the quality of each parts of the transmission gears, And the gears work effectively, accurately, consistently on mechanical equipment and devices.


ISO 9001:2015