MSV – International Industrial Fair
08. - 11. 10. 2024

Moravskoslezský kraj

LOCATION: Pavilion A1 / 006, Pavilion A1 / 006B, Pavilion A1 / 006A, Open air space A1-0 / 001

Address of the company


28. října 117
702 00, Ostrava
Czech Republic
Company ID 70890692
Phone: +420 595 622 222


The Moravian-Silesian Region is one of the first regions in the Czech Republic to actively support the development of the "Hydrogen Valley" concept. Safe and affordable hydrogen is therefore not only the framework of its hydrogen economy strategy, but also the path to decarbonisation and competitiveness. In order to develop hydrogen technologies, it has therefore established the Moravian-Silesian Hydrogen Cluster together with industrial partners in the region, which already has 35 active members.

Represented companies

Moravskoslezský Vodíkový Klastr, z.s.
Czech Republic
Moravskoslezské energetické centrum, p.o.
Czech Republic
Elvac a.s.
Czech Republic
TraMoTech, spol. s r.o.
Czech Republic
Moravskoslezské Investice a Development a.s.
Czech Republic

Fields of activity State authorities, governmental institutions
9.3.2 Programmes for regional development
9.3.3 Presentation of development and investment plans
9.3.5 Offer of development localities for industrial construction
9.3.6 Offer of industrial real estates
9.3.7 Demand for investors