MSV – International Industrial Fair
08. - 11. 10. 2024

Otto Bihler Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG

LOCATION: Pavilion B / 036

Address of the company


Lechbrucker Str. 15
87642, Halblech
Company ID 0
Phone: +49 836 818 0


As world’s leading system supplier in the areas of stamping, forming, welding and assembly technology, Bihler stands for certified top technology “Made in Germany”. The family-owned company with more than 1.100 employees offers manufacturers of stamping and forming parts as well as assembly producers powerful machine systems, flexible process modules and intuitive control technology combined with highly cost-effective automation solutions. Since the company was founded in 1953, Bihler has successfully implemented more than 12,000 customer-specific solutions. In addition to machine and plant engineering, Bihler is a premium provider of 3D technology software for the construction of stamping and forming tools.

Fields of activity

11.2.99 Forming machines - other
11.5.5 Assembling and industrial robots in flexible manufacturing systems
11.5.99 Flexible manufacturing systems - other
11.6.2 Forming tools
13.4.99 Resistance welding machinery and equipment - other