MSV – International Industrial Fair
08. - 11. 10. 2024

RAJCH, spol. s r.o.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 017

Address of the company


Horní dědina 516
760 01, Zlín
Czech Republic
Company ID 60742844
Phone: +420 606 313 602


Czech producer and supplier of technologies for industrial air extraction and filtration, cartridge and hose filters, extraction arms, welding tables, boxes, comprehensive solutions for energy savings and recuperation. Cooperation of laser cutting.

Fields of activity

8.1.3 Air and gas dedusting equipment
8.1.4 Solid particle separators
8.1.5 Solid particle filters
8.1.6 Exhaust and flue gas cleaning equipment
8.1.9 Equipment for separation of polluted gaseous substances from air and combustion products
8.1.45 Consultancy in air purity protection
8.1.46 Air purity planning
8.1.48 Maintenance and repairs of pollutant-loaded air cleaning equipment
13.11.1 Weldments