Olga Vondrakova / Nature in Drop
Pavilion P / E004
Address of the company
Sidliště Plešivec 363
381 01, Český Krumlov
Czech Republic
381 01, Český Krumlov
Czech Republic
Company ID | 7763140 |
Phone: | +420 773 953 615 |
E-mail: | vondrakova.os@seznam.cz |
Webpage: | http://www.nature-in-drop.com |
Vystavovatel nemá vyplněný popis.
Represented brands
Nature in Drop
12.2 Jewels, watches
Nature in Drop
12.1 Jewellery, piercing, tatoo
Fields of activity
12.1 Jewellery, piercing, tatoo
12.2 Jewels, watches