07. - 09. 03. 2025

Rodenstock ČR s.r.o.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 061, Pavilion V / 060

Address of the company


Dr. Sedláka 841
339 01, Klatovy
Czech Republic
Company ID 61173614
Phone: +420 376 346 504
E-mail: info@rodenstock.cz
Webpage: http://www.rodenstock.cz


Vystavovatel nemá vyplněný popis.

Represented brands

5 Correction spectacle lenses

Fields of activity

2 Sunglasses, sun clips
5 Correction spectacle lenses
7 Sun lenses and glasses
17 Optometric aids, machinery and equipment
19 Equipment, apparatus, tools and materials for dispensing opticians
23 Ophthalmologic diagnostic and therapeutic appliances
24 Equipment for ophthalmic outpatients' departments