M.B.KERAMIKA spol. s r.o.
Pavilion V / 041
Address of the company
U Svitavy 7
618 00, Brno
Czech Republic
618 00, Brno
Czech Republic
Company ID | 63491532 |
Phone: | +420 777 746 852 |
E-mail: | mbkeramika@mbkeramika.cz |
Webpage: | http://www.mbkeramika.cz |
Vystavovatel nemá vyplněný popis.
Fields of activity
4 Building materials and products
4.3 Floor materials
4.3.4 Ceramic tiles
4.4.1 Ceramic facings
4.4.10 Facings imitating natural materials
4.6.9 Edges and facings of stairs
4.14.3 Cements - adhesives, sealing and jointing materials
16.2.11 Terraces