Pavilion V / F03A
Address of the company
Vlastimila Pecha 1276/5
627 00, Brno
Czech Republic
627 00, Brno
Czech Republic
Company ID | 14287854 |
Phone: | +420 545 429 443 |
E-mail: | |
Webpage: | |
Vystavovatel nemá vyplněný popis.
Fields of activity
2.1.5 Prefabricated family houses with frame metal construction
2.1.8 Holiday buildings for family recreation (cottages, cabins)
2.2.4 Apartment houses with metal frame construction
2.3.6 Extensions and built-ins of apartment houses
2.3.7 Heightening apartment and panel buildings
2.4.1 Industrial plant structures
2.4.3 Agricultural plant structures
2.4.4 Storage production structures
2.5 Non-residential constructions - non-productive
2.9.3 Construction site installations
2.9.4 Temporary constructions
2.9.5 Container systems (residential, office, warehouse)
2.9.6 Movable objects
4.99 Building materials and products - other
6.4 Elements for vertical structures
6.5 Elements for horizontal structures
6.6 Stair flights
6.7 Columns, pillars
6.8.2 Hall construction systems
6.8.5 Steel structures
6.9 Site prefabrication
6.10 Grid flooring
6.99 Building elements and constructions - other
63.5.1 Solar cells (photovoltaics) and their accessories