ANIMAL TECH, Národní výstava hospodářských zvířat

Internationale Messe für Tierhaltung

V.Racek - zemědělské technologie s.r.o.

ID-Nr.: 28997859

The company is a general contractor for agricultural building projects - from studies, design up to the erection of houses for meat and milk cattle. We have a production facility of our own. We also supply modern automated stall technologies (feed pushers, bedding and feeding robots), animal transport equipment, etc.

STANDORT: Halle P / 096, Halle P / 096A



č. p. 108
391 31, Dražice
Tschechische Republik Firmensitz in der Karte anzeigen
+420 605 834 016

Vertretene Marken


10 Machines and Equipment for Livestock Breeding


10 Machines and Equipment for Livestock Breeding

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