Brno Patchwork Meeting

17th International Quilt Show Brno


Freitag 25.04.2025
10:00 - 12:00

Halle A – Saal Brno

Jitka Chumchalová (Czech Republic): Colour Theory

400 CZK on-line / 400 CZK on site Last 11 tickets

In this course you will learn how to work with colours and match them together. You will learn about colour theory, colour harmonies, colour contrasts and learn how web applications can help you. You will learn how to use the colour wheel and get hands-on experience using colour harmonies and contrasts in design patchwork quilts.

12:45 - 15:15

Halle A – Saal Morava

Shoshi Rimer (Israel): Reverse Applique

950 CZK on-line / 950 CZK on site Last 13 tickets

In this workshop we will learn how to make a new surface design as mosaic. All that is required is a selection of matching fabrics, coaching wool or special cords to build the borders, and precise cutting that will reveal different layers of fabrics.

15:00 - 17:00

Halle A – Saal Brno

Miroslava Kalinová (Czech Republic): Leporello

400 CZK on-line / 400 CZK on site Last 9 tickets

A Leporello is basically a narrow strip of paper that folds into an accordion shape.
We can glue collages of fabrics, different papers, lace and many other materials into it. If you like to slow-stitch, then you can glue swatches into the Leporello.
In this course you will learn how to create leporello including covers in a simple way. We will glue collages of fabrics and pre-prepared papers, which the lecturer will bring, into the leporello.

15:30 - 18:30

Halle A – Saal Morava

Marcela Listíková (Czech Republic): Squares and Silhuettes

1.100 CZK on-line / 1.100 CZK on site Last 9 tickets

We create a picture with birds on a branch.
First, we'll sew a colorfll background using 5x5 cm squares.
Based on a photo, we'll draw a pattern for the silhouette of birds on a branch, transfer it onto fabric, cut it out, and attach it to the prepared background using the fused applique technique.
This workshop is better suited for advanced participants and lasts approximately 3 hours.

18:30 - 23:00

Halle A1 I. Galerie

BPM Party

1.200 CZK on-line / 1.200 CZK on site

Join us for an informal gathering with gallerist and sellers at the Brno Patchwork Meeting.
Look forward to a relaxed evening where you can chat with both Czech and international artists, as well as company representatives. Enjoy a buffet-style reception and live music performed by Božejáci, a South Bohemian fire brigade brass band with a 120-year-long tradition.

Samstag 26.04.2025
14:30 - 16:30

Halle A – Saal Brno

Heike Költgen (Germany): Piecing by Hand

790 CZK on-line / 790 CZK on site Last 6 tickets

Have you ever reached your limits when sewing with a machine? Blocks being too small or the shapes are challenging? And how most of antique quilts was done? By hand! Using a little star block you will learn the trick. hand.

15:30 - 18:30

Halle A – Saal Morava

Barbara Lange (Germany): Herringbone Pattern

1.100 CZK on-line / 1.100 CZK on site Last 9 tickets

„How did she sew that?” Get the answer and learn this intriguing pattern used often in woodwork and tiles. Sewing provides some challenges which will be easily overcome with just a few tricks.

Sonntag 27.04.2025
10:00 - 12:00

Halle A – Saal Brno

Gabriele Schultz-Herzberger (Germany): Small Kawandi

950 CZK on-line / 950 CZK on site Last 10 tickets

Lately very popular small Kawandi quilts are sewn by hand using fabric scraps of different sizes. We sew by hand directly on background, sample will be 50 x 50 cm or little smaller.

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