GO und Regiontour
Internationale Messe der Touristikmöglichkeiten in Regionen
Alle Branchen
- 2 Tour operators - Travel agencies
- 3 Tour sales agents
- 4 Tourist destinations
- 5 Accommodation and catering facilities
- 7 Financial and insurance services
- 11 Tourism and active leisure time, hobby and special travelling
- 13 Media and special literature
- 14 Promotion in tourism
- 16 Services in tourism - other
- 17 RegFoodFest
- 20 Regions of the Czech Republic, regional institutions
- 21 Foreign regions
- 22 Attractive natural areas and locations
- 23 Cultural and historical places of interest
- 24 Spas
- 25 Regions suitable for tourism and sports
- 26 Culture, amusement
- 27 Promotion of regions
- 28 Others