Mafia Live – Anniversary Edition
Original music played by Brno Philharmonic
Details zur Veranstaltung
Among the games extending the boundaries of computer and information technologies, there is a special game that we all carry in our hearts. This game is “Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven.” It became the basis for generations of games, and it undoubtedly belongs to the top of the gamedev industry in the Czech Republic. Inspired by the success of this game, developers followed up with other successful installments and remakes.
Let’s all meet up and remind ourselves what “Mafia” means to us!
We invite you not only to an ordinary game music concert of the whole Mafia universe. This is going to be a whole day of content about the Mafia franchise. It sounds impossible, but 2022 will mark the 20th anniversary of the game Mafia, and we’ll do everything to celebrate this date in the best way possible.
Mafia Live – Anniversary Edition
29. 5. | 14.00–21.45 |