A morning discussion breakfast with Lubomír Metnar, minister of defence of the Czech Republic, on Armament and support of defence industry development.

Internationale Fachmesse für Brandschutz und Sicherheitstechnik
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Vehicle demonstrations
Professional drivers of the AČR demonstrated the driving characteristics of selected military vehicles (KBVP PANDUR II, IVECO LMV 4x4, T-810 6x6, LR 130 KAJMAN a Dingo C4 ISTAR).
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Prison Service demonstrations
Assault on High Security Escor, prison escape.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Brno metropolitan police demonstrations
Pacification of an aggressive crowd, canine unit intervention.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Police of the Czech Republic demonstrations
SWAT Team, attack on protected person’s transport.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Fire rescue service demonstrations
The Rescue Unit of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic will demonstrate operating and handling of a reinforced fire engine CZS 40 S3. It is a vehicle built on the Tatra T815-7 8x8 chassis (11 metres in lenght and 2.5 metres in width).
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Slovak's army demonstrations
Attack of mechanized infantry squad.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
Tactical demonstration of the movement of the patrol.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Custom administration demonstrations
Canine Exercise.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: ARQUUS demonstrations
VOP, Chechpoint.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: PALFINGER demonstrations
Partnerschaft / The Congress Hall, Hotel Continental Brno
Expert conference with foreign participants. Conference topic – “Climate change”.
Entry only for registered participants.
Administrativní budova – Saal 103
Prospective trends in military technologies and systems
The main topics of the program will be robotics in law enforcement agencies, nanotechnology, high energy laser weapons and cryptographic security.
Among others, the following lectures will be delivered:
Robotics in law enforcement agencies – the past, present and future.
Adaptive camouflage for field uniform with simulation of the forest-desert camouflage pattern 95 using silicon nanoparticles.
High energy laser weapons.
Attacks on cryptographic devices implementation.
Halle P – Saal P1
CATE 2019: Logistics in armed forces
Offer opportunities for professional discussion on current logistic issues of armed forces in the changing security environment and presentation outcomes of scientific research and development in military logistics and transport.
• Multinational and national logistic support to NATO, UN and EU led operations.
• Modern logistic and transport technologies.
• Future development of logistics support.
• Modelling and simulation of logistic and transport problems.
• System of planning and management of the logistic support.
• Food and water supply.
• Asset management and material life cycle.
• Risk factors affecting logistic support system.
8.00–9.00 Registration
9.00–10.30 Plenary Session
10.30–11.00 Coffee Break
11.00–12.00 Panel Discussion
12.00–12.30 Coffee Break
12.30–13.30 Panel Discussion
13.30–14.00 Lunch
Halle E I.OG / The Conference halls S2, S3, S4, E2, E3, foyer
CATE 2019: International conference on military technologies 2019
The 7th International Conference on Military Technologies (ICMT) is an international forum for the exchange of innovative ideas in the field of military technologies divided into eight sections on, e.g., weapons and ammunition, combat and special-purpose vehicles, military engineering support, surveying, cybernetic and robot systems, aviation technology, and radar systems and communications technology. The conference shares the supporting scientific programme of the International Defence and Security Technologies Fair IDET 2019, the biggest military and defence exhibition in Central Europe.
Administrativní budova – Saal 102
NATO Innovation Challenge
The NATO Innovation Challenge is a prestigious competition, which is traditionally sponsored by national armies of NATO member countries and in which start-ups, small and middle-sized businesses, scientific university teams etc. may participate. The competition is organized and supported by the NATO Innovation Hub in Norfolk, USA, headquarters of the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, together with DefSec Innovation Hub in the Czech Republic.
9.00 opening of NATO Innovation Challenge
9.15 opening speeches
9.45 start of NATO Innovation Challenge competition itself
13.00 end of the competition part of NATO Innovation Challenge
13.30 expert jury meets
15.00 end of expert jury meeting
16.00 announcement of 2019 NATO Innovation Challenge winners
16.30 official closing of the competition
Halle P – Saal P4
Czech – Sweden forum
How to do business with Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV)
A description on how defence procurement in Sweden has evolved from the Cold War until now, combined with an outlook on future developments.
Joakim will also touch on the subject of how to introduce SME and new technology in the traditional defence equipment procurement.
Czech – Sweden Innovation Seminar
Sweden has taken on a leading role at this significant event during the IDET exhibition and the Swedish Embassy and the Swedish Security and Defense Industry Association have prepared several activities in cooperation with IDET’s organizers to present examples of Czech-Swedish industrial cooperation supporting the Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019 – 2030 that was recently approved by the Czech government.
The Innovation Seminar, which will be attended by Swedish Minister of Defence Peter Hultqvist; Swedish Ambassador to the Czech Republic Viktoria Li; CTU Rector doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Petráček, CSc.; AOBP President Ing. Jiří Hynek; Swedish Security and Defence Industry Association (SOFF) Chairman Göran Lennmarker, as well as others.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Vehicle demonstrations
Professional drivers of the AČR demonstrated the driving characteristics of selected military vehicles (KBVP PANDUR II, IVECO LMV 4x4, T-810 6x6, LR 130 KAJMAN a Dingo C4 ISTAR).
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Brno metropolitan police demonstrations
Pacification of an aggressive crowd, canine unit intervention.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Police of the Czech Republic demonstrations
SWAT Team, attack on protected person’s transport.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Fire rescue service demonstrations
The Rescue Unit of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic will demonstrate operating and handling of a reinforced fire engine CZS 40 S3. It is a vehicle built on the Tatra T815-7 8x8 chassis (11 metres in lenght and 2.5 metres in width).
Halle P / 042
Press conference První brněnská strojírna Velká Bíteš
Main topics:
- 1000th APU made.
- 1000th motor PBS TJ 100 made (registered to the Golden IDET competition).
- Awards gained by PBS in 2018 and 2019.
- Cooperation with Swedish companies.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Slovak's army demonstrations
Attack of mechanized infantry squad.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
Tactical demonstration of the movement of the patrol.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Custom administration demonstrations
Canine Exercise.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Prison Service demonstrations
Assault on High Security Escor, prison escape.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: ARQUUS demonstrations
VOP, Chechpoint.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: PALFINGER demonstrations
Halle P – Saal P5
Czech – Turkish industrial forum
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Vehicle demonstrations
Professional drivers of the AČR demonstrated the driving characteristics of selected military vehicles (KBVP PANDUR II, IVECO LMV 4x4, T-810 6x6, LR 130 KAJMAN a Dingo C4 ISTAR).
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Prison Service demonstrations
Assault on High Security Escor, prison escape.
Halle P – Saal P5
Czech – Austrian industrial forum
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Brno metropolitan police demonstrations
Pacification of an aggressive crowd, canine unit intervention.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Police of the Czech Republic demonstrations
SWAT Team, attack on protected person’s transport.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Fire rescue service demonstrations
The Rescue Unit of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic will demonstrate operating and handling of a reinforced fire engine CZS 40 S3. It is a vehicle built on the Tatra T815-7 8x8 chassis (11 metres in lenght and 2.5 metres in width).
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Slovak's army demonstrations
Attack of mechanized infantry squad.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
Tactical demonstration of the movement of the patrol.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: ARQUUS demonstrations
VOP, Chechpoint.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: PALFINGER demonstrations
Halle E I.OG / Sály S2, S3, S4, E2, E3, foyer
CATE 2019: International conference on military technologies 2019
The 7th International Conference on Military Technologies (ICMT) is an international forum for the exchange of innovative ideas in the field of military technologies divided into eight sections on, e.g., weapons and ammunition, combat and special-purpose vehicles, military engineering support, surveying, cybernetic and robot systems, aviation technology, and radar systems and communications technology. The conference shares the accompanying scientific program of the International Defence and Security Technologies Fair IDET 2019, the biggest military and defence exhibition in Central Europe.
Halle P – Saal P1
CATE 2019: Defence and Strategy 2019
The Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies of the University of Defence in cooperation with the Military Research Institute Brno organizes the 5th international conference “Defence and Strategy” to be held from 29 to 31 May 2019 in the Military Club of the University of Defence and Hall P1 at the Brno Exhibition Centre. The conference is a traditional meeting of members of the academic community, distinguished practitioners and security and defence analysts from the Czech Republic and abroad. The conference is a unique opportunity to share knowledge, create best practice procedures, and to unify approaches to critical issues regarding the securing of national defence by using analytical tools in support of strategic decision-making. This year’s conference is dedicated to the issues in armed forces development and its alternatives. It will also address the changing nature of conflicts and the challenges in the adaptation of the armed forces, the role of the armed forces and the key tasks associated with the changes in political priorities, the strategy of the armed forces development with a special focus on the Central European region, priority requirements and critical capability gaps and approaches to the adaptation of the armed forces including methods and analytical support.
Registration fee: 1,250 CZK / 50 EUR.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Vehicle demonstrations
Professional drivers of the AČR demonstrated the driving characteristics of selected military vehicles (KBVP PANDUR II, IVECO LMV 4x4, T-810 6x6, LR 130 KAJMAN a Dingo C4 ISTAR).
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Police of the Czech Republic demonstrations
SWAT Team, attack on protected person’s transport.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Fire rescue service demonstrations
The Rescue Unit of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic will demonstrate operating and handling of a reinforced fire engine CZS 40 S3. It is a vehicle built on the Tatra T815-7 8x8 chassis (11 metres in lenght and 2.5 metres in width).
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Slovak's army demonstrations
Attack of mechanized infantry squad.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
Tactical demonstration of the movement of the patrol.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Custom administration demonstrations
Canine Exercise.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Prison Service demonstrations
Assault on High Security Escor, prison escape.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: ARQUUS demonstrations
VOP, Chechpoint.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: PALFINGER demonstrations
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Vehicle demonstrations
Professional drivers of the AČR demonstrated the driving characteristics of selected military vehicles (KBVP PANDUR II, IVECO LMV 4x4, T-810 6x6, LR 130 KAJMAN a Dingo C4 ISTAR).
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Prison Service demonstrations
Assault on High Security Escor, prison escape.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Police of the Czech Republic demonstrations
SWAT Team, attack on protected person’s transport.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Fire rescue service demonstrations
The Rescue Unit of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic will demonstrate operating and handling of a reinforced fire engine CZS 40 S3. It is a vehicle built on the Tatra T815-7 8x8 chassis (11 metres in lenght and 2.5 metres in width).
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Slovak's army demonstrations
Attack of mechanized infantry squad.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
Tactical demonstration of the movement of the patrol.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Custom administration demonstrations
Canine Exercise.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: ARQUUS demonstrations
VOP, Chechpoint.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: PALFINGER demonstrations
Freigelände K
Clarinet Quartet of the Military Band Olomouc show
Freigelände - Atrium Halle G vor dem Tur
TFA competition
Freigelände K
Demonstrations of handling of means of transport
Freigelände K
Demonstration – Restoration of mobility of a humanitarian convoy by technical means of the Czech Army
Halle Z Erdgeschoss
Festive entrance of competitors in children’s TFA
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Vehicle demonstrations
Professional drivers of the AČR demonstrated the driving characteristics of selected military vehicles (KBVP PANDUR II, IVECO LMV 4x4, T-810 6x6, LR 130 KAJMAN a Dingo C4 ISTAR).
Freigelände K
Show of HS motorcycle unit accompanied by music
Halle Z I.Galerie
Children’s TFA competition
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Police of the Czech Republic demonstrations
SWAT Team, attack on protected person’s transport.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Slovak's army demonstrations
Attack of mechanized infantry squad.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
Tactical demonstration of the movement of the patrol.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Custom administration demonstrations
Canine Exercise.
Freigelände K
Dog handlers' work demonstration
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Prison Service demonstrations
Assault on High Security Escor, prison escape.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: ARQUUS demonstrations
VOP, Chechpoint.
Halle Z Erdgeschoss
1st collaborative show and presentation of AED project
Freigelände K
Demonstrations of handling of means of transport
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: PALFINGER demonstrations
Freigelände K
Demonstration – Restoration of mobility of a humanitarian convoy by technical means of the Czech Army
Halle Z Erdgeschoss
Presentation of young firefighters at work
Freigelände K
Dog handlers' work demonstration
Freigelände K
Show of HS motorcycle unit accompanied by music
Halle Z Erdgeschoss
March-past of festive firefighter banners
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Vehicle demonstrations
Professional drivers of the AČR demonstrated the driving characteristics of selected military vehicles (KBVP PANDUR II, IVECO LMV 4x4, T-810 6x6, LR 130 KAJMAN a Dingo C4 ISTAR).
Freigelände K
Clarinet Quartet of the Military Band Olomouc show
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Police of the Czech Republic demonstrations
SWAT Team, attack on protected person’s transport.
Halle Z Erdgeschoss
2nd collaborative show and presentation of AED
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Slovak's army demonstrations
Attack of mechanized infantry squad.
Freigelände K
Dog handlers' work demonstration
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: Custom administration demonstrations
Canine Exercise.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: ARQUUS demonstrations
VOP, Chechpoint.
Freigelände Z (zur Hlinky-Str.) / IDET ARENA
IDET ARENA: PALFINGER demonstrations
Freigelände K
Clarinet Quartet of the Military Band Olomouc show
Halle Z Erdgeschoss