SALIMATECH und EmbaxPrint

Messen für Lebensmittelindustrie, Gastronomie, Druck und Verpackung

Videojet Technologies Czechia s.r.o.

ID-Nr.: 11972068

Videojet offers product marking solutions using various labeling technologies, a wide range of specialty inks, advanced specialized globally deployed software and service team services.

STANDORT: Halle V Erdgeschoss / 028



Na Hlavní 166/59
182 00, Praha
Tschechische Republik Firmensitz in der Karte anzeigen
+420 228 810 079

Vertretene Marken

Videojet Technologies Czechia

16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other


16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other

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