ANIMAL TECH, Národní výstava hospodářských zvířat

International Fair for Animal Production



CalfOTel®: the best calf hutches for high-quality calf rearing. Supported by a clear vision of calf housing needs, CalfOTel® develops products that focus on hygiene, health, and reducing labour. We provide calf hutches that enable calves to grow quickly and healthily into the best dairy cows for the future, driven by our slogan: Happy Calf, Happy Farmer!

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 061

Address of the company


De Sonman 21
5066 GJ, Moergestel
Netherlands Show the location of main office on map
+31 135 133 617

Represented brands


10 Machines and Equipment for Livestock Breeding

Represented companies

VDK Products BV

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