Caravaning Brno

International Caravan Show

Tritech s.r.o.

Company ID: 9638270

Wholesale - retail sale of decomposing WC chemistry Safe T Fresh Satellite USA. Exclusive representation for the Czech Republic.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 055

Address of the company


Chudenická 1059/30
588 13, Praha
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 777 271 440

Exhibited products

Degradable WC chemistry Safe T Fresh
Degradable WC chemistry Safe T Fresh

Degradable WC chemistry Safe T Fresh
Decomposition chemistry in soluble PVA capsules - precise and hygienic dosing in innovative packaging.

Represented brands

3 Components, accessories and equipment for caravans and motor caravans


4 Camping equipment

Safe T Fresh

3 Components, accessories and equipment for caravans and motor caravans

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