Caravaning Brno

International Caravan Show

H-EKO spol. s r. o.

Company ID: 1866630

The family business Karavany Humpolec has been selling motorhomes for almost 17 years. Initially, the company started with motorhomes of the well-known Italian brand RIMOR, for which it got an official dealership. A few years later, the company added the top German brand Eura Mobil to its portfolio and last but not least, it teamed up with the Italian BluCamp. Today, the company has three official dealerships. The company Karavany Humpolec, as the name suggests, can be found near Humpolec in Světlica 20. You can see the big yellow complex from afar. We are constantly trying to improve our facilities every year, and this year we are building a new showroom to make customers comfortable when choosing their new motorhome. Our motorhome sales also include unrivalled service and hire.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 004

Address of the company


Jiřice 217
396 01, Humpolec
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 604 254 355

Fields of activity

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