Caravaning Brno

International Caravan Show

Trinium invest s.r.o

Company ID: 28646258

Our company For Gardenpv is engaged in the production and sale of whirlpools and barrels. As the only one in the Czech Republic, we have built-in filtration inside the tub/barrel, so you filter even in winter. The heating is wood-fired, HYBRID, when you heat the bath with wood and then only use electric reheating to maintain the temperature, or you can choose an electric-only option. Our barrels and tubs are suitable for campsites, guesthouses and home wellness. We bathe even in winter, and YOU?

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 057

Address of the company


Ohrozimská 375/39
798 02, Mostkovice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 777 251 008

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