Caravaning Brno

International Caravan Show

TURČAN - AUTO s.r.o.

Company ID: 36381951

Our company was founded in 1998 and its main activity is the conversion of box vans into TANJA VANS motorhomes. Thanks to individual conversions and high-quality hand-made work, our vehicles reached the markets of Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, but also found their owners in the Netherlands and England. In addition to our own production, we also sell Dethleffs and Sunlight motorhomes. Since 2009, we have opened a store with accessories for caravanners, where you can choose from a large number of goods directly at our company, or order them in our E-shop.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 017

Address of the company


Kračiny 6
036 01, Martin
Slovakia Show the location of main office on map
+421 903 857 343

Represented brands


2 Motor caravans

Represented companies

Czech Republic

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