International Footwear and Leatherware Fair


Field 1 SHOES
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3F - freedom for feet

Represents: V+J OBUV, s.r.o.

Categories: Children' s footwear

Location Pavilion P / C029 Pavilion P / K001 Pavilion P / K002 Pavilion P / K004 Pavilion P / K003

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

Represents: Garvalín

Categories: Children' s footwear

Location Pavilion P / A006


Represents: AGB spol. s.r.o.

Categories: Health and orthopaedic boots

Location Pavilion P / K016


Represents: QUO VADIS, s.r.o.

Categories: Ladies' footwear

Location Pavilion P / K005


Represents: ARTIKER

Categories: Ladies' footwear

Location Pavilion P / A009

AXEL - zdravotní obuv i šíře K

Represents: AZA Import, s.r.o.

Categories: Ladies' footwear

Location Pavilion P / K011

Azaleia - brazilská obuv

Represents: AZA Import, s.r.o.

Categories: Ladies' footwear

Location Pavilion P / K011

Azaleia - brazilská obuv

Represents: AZA Import, s.r.o.

Categories: Ladies' footwear

Location Pavilion P / K009

beBare - barefootová značka kožené obuvi

Represents: AZA Import, s.r.o.

Categories: Ladies' footwear

Location Pavilion P / K011

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