
Festival of Sports, Dances and Entertainment

Veslařský klub LODNÍ SPORTY BRNO

Company ID: 7813830

The story of the rowing club Boat sports Brno begins in 1965.  We founded this club out of love for rowing and the desire to offer young talents a place where they can grow and improve their skills. Our founders were passionate rowers themselves who believed that Brno needed a place where young athletes could develop under the guidance of experienced coaches. Since then, it has become our goal to not only teach technique, but also to pass on the love of rowing and the sporting spirit that unites us all. Our rowing club is entering a new era, transforming into a centre of top sport that will successfully take you to the most prestigious international competitions. Join us and be part of this exciting adventure!

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 032

Address of the company


Rakovecká 30
635 00, Brno
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 602 520 897

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