International Engineering Fair

63rd International Engineering Fair

Accompanying program

Thursday 06.10.2022
09:00 - 16:30

Hall E – Room E2

Conference Biomorphic industry

CZK 1,290
Digital factory 2.0

The Digital Factory 2.0 project will feature the third international conference – this year entitled "Biomorphic Industry – Changing the Paradigm of Industrial Production Using Artificial Intelligence and Other Digital Technologies".

The conference will focus on formulating a vision of the Czech economy using artificial intelligence as a key approach to digitalization on a corporate and national basis. Presentations and panel discussions will be divided into four thematic areas:

1. The future of industry and a vision for the Czech economy in 2030 and today
2. Data and artificial Intelligence as the backbone of the second industrial transformation
3. Infrastructure of the 2030 economy – energy, cybersecurity, 5+6G networks, blockchain
4. Opportunities for expansion of the Czech economy

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