International Engineering Fair
64th International Engineering Fair

IDEAL-Trade Service, spol. s r.o.
ITS (IDEAL-Trade Service), a specialist in the implementation of powder and wet coating lines and technological units for surface treatment, has been on the market since 1993. We supply coating lines from the initial design of the solution, the actual production, assembly, commissioning to operator training. The advantage of our realizations is their complexity and customized realization, which includes the line itself, hanging technology and masking, suitable chemicals, as well as expert consulting and service care. What makes the lines unique is the HiVision control system, which ITS develops and designs. The Compressors division offers compressed air and industrial refrigeration technologies.
Address of the company
Address 2
Represented brands Programmable logic controllers (PLC)

14.3.9 Powder coating equipment

14.10.3 Consultancy in surface treatment technologies

3.20.4 Screw compressors