International Engineering Fair

64th International Engineering Fair

Comex International s.r.o. PantaTec

Company ID: 45794197

Comex International s.r.o. PantaTec technology blasting without degreasing,and chemistry.. Aditivum improving stability of blasting process and cost savings. We are a representative of PantaTec GmbH in the Czech and Slovak republics, a supplier of a unique patented technology for blasting without any chemical cleaning. and Peeningaccessories GmbH - Switzerland - all for peening (almen srips, holders almen gages, sieves machines..,) We have been on the market since 1992.

LOCATION: Pavilion E / 036

Address of the company


Za mototechnou 1619
155 00, Praha 5
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 602 227 262

Represented brands


14.1.4 Degreasing and cleaning equipment

Represented companies

PantaTec GmbH
Peeningaccessories GmbH

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