International Engineering Fair

64th International Engineering Fair

PROFIKA s.r.o.

Company ID: 46359982

CNC lathe, center, CNC milling machine, cutter, CNC gantry center, swiss type automatic lathes Hanwha, lathes with subspindle, twin turret, turnmill lathe, CNC service, multichannel machining, technology, time studies, robotization, robotic workplace, univerzal robotic cell, Hyundai Wia, HANWHA.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 077

Address of the company


Průmyslová 1006
294 71, Benátky nad Jizerou
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 326 909 511

Represented brands

Hanwha Precision Machinery Multi-spindle bar automatic lathes

HYUNDAI WIA Production lathes (for lot production)

Represented companies

Hanwha Precision Machinery
South Korea
Hyundai Wia Corporation
South Korea

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