International Engineering Fair

64th International Engineering Fair

Peter Ofner GmbH


The company Peter Ofner GmbH is a family business and was founded in 1994. The headquarter is located in the Austrian town of Weikersdorf am Steinfelde. The company operates as a wholesale trader of innovative locking technology for over 25 years now. The product range includes locks, hinges, gaskets, handles, gas springs, tension bands, and much more. As commercial agents of the companies DIRAK and PINET, we back up our brands and represent them and their ideals conscientiously by offering quick service, technically competent consulting and reliability.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 078

Address of the company


Industriestraße 336
2722, Weikersdorf am Steinfelde
Austria Show the location of main office on map
+43 262 223 415

Represented brands


2.9.2 Forgings


2.9.2 Forgings

Fields of activity

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