MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

Česká asociace interim managementu, z.s.

Company ID: 22864962

CAIM is a leading Czech organization that brings together interim managers, mediators and those interested in interim management in the Czech Republic since 2010.

Our members help companies manage changes and important projects, solve crisis situations, save their operations, deal with a lack or failure of professional capacities or a change in the market situation.

- We bring together interim managers, mediators in this area and people interested in interim management throughout the Czech Republic.
- We raise awareness of interim management, spread awareness about its advantages and possibilities of use, and inform about the activities of associated members.
- We are the bearer of interim management know-how, we develop this field and create its standards.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 126

Address of the company


Vltavská 14/585
150 00, Praha 5 - Smíchov
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 733 161 779

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