MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

Česká exportní banka, a.s.

Company ID: 63078333

We are a specialized banking institution, a part of the system of state export support and economic diplomacy. We support strategic segments of the Czech economy. We offer financial products and solutions, focusing on:

- financing operational needs and investments;
- financing of production for export and buyers;
- financing of foreign acquisitions and expansion;
- securing contractual obligations (bank guarantees);
- accelerating payments for the supply of goods and services (purchase of receivables); and
- documentary payments.

We understand the individual needs of Czech manufacturers and exporters and we can find a tailor-made solution for a specific transaction. According to our clients' needs, we can establish SWIFT connections with banks around the world. As a member of the international payment system TARGET2, we also offer solutions to simplify payment transactions in EUR.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 009

Address of the company


Vodičkova 701/34
111 21, Praha 1
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 222 841 100

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