MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

DMG MORI Czech s.r.o.

Company ID: 25575503

Machines for metal machining, lathes, milling machines, machining centres, universal, production, CNC-controlled.
CNC lathes and turning centres.
CNC lathes and turning automatic machines, multi-spindle as well.
CNC machining centres for 5 axis continual machining, vertical, horizontal.
CNC milling machines and centres.
CNC milling centres with ultrasonic oscillations.
CNC machines for laser machining.
Progresive, non-conventional methods - machines for laser and ultra-sonic machining.
Support and after sales service, hotline support, technological support, operator training centre.

LOCATION: Open air space P / 003A, Open air space P / 003

Address of the company


Ořechovská 195/1a
619 00, Brno
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 545 426 311

Represented brands


11.1.5 Milling machines

Fields of activity

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