MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair


Company ID: 50680024

AIR COMPRESSOR MPC is a company specialising in compressed air since 1985, specialising in the manufacture and development of air compressors for mobile applications.
Its catalogue offers a wide range of diesel/petrol compressors, with power from 0.5 Hp to 50 Hp.
Certified by the ISO-9001 quality standard, it enjoys prestige in the most demanding international markets for its quality and service, which are its hallmarks.
MPC designs, manufactures and markets compact equipment. This equipment can supply compressed air, generate electric power, single-phase and three-phase, with the option of integrating a welding and electrode cutting equipment. All of them are characterised by their reduced weight and size.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 136

Address of the company


Pol. Ind. Malpica-Alfinden C/Chopo 78
50171, La Puebla de Alfindén
Spain Show the location of main office on map
+34 976 109 788

Represented brands

Air compressor Mpc

3.20.8 Mobile compressors

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