MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

FIBRO GmbH | Business Unit Standard Parts

Company ID: 145764961

As a leading provider for Standard Parts for the tool & die industry, FIBRO offers a unique range of high precision products.
With over a million different items, of which 40,000 are constantly in stock and available at short notice, FIBRO Standard Parts is a guaranteed one-stop shop for tool manufacturers around the world.
The sophisticated quality requirements of our customers are fulfilled through the highest processing accuracies and minimum tolerances of our products.
With the wide range of services we offer you can have support in multiple ways; for example with direct contact to select appropriate product-selection and design, by providing the necessary CAD-data and guarantee a optimum workflow in shipping. You can benefit due to our global operating companies and the specialists who know the local detailed requirements.

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 065

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