MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

Interpolimeri s.r.o.

Company ID: 35950196

Reliability, accessibility to products and closeness to our customers, these are the values with which we come into the market. We handle 200.000 t/year. We are more than a distributor. We have our own technical support team including our own laboratory. We have 20 warehouses all over EU, more than 20 long-term regular suppliers and 3.500 customers.

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 078

Address of the company


Námestie slobody 1618
020 01, Púchov
Slovakia Show the location of main office on map
+421 424 635 575

Represented brands


15.1.1 Thermoplastics

LG Chem

15.1.1 Thermoplastics


15.1.1 Thermoplastics

Represented companies

Global Color Polska SA

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