MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

Ing. František Kořínek - K+K

Company ID: 43015239

Sole agency of the Vollmer group (Vollmer, Loroch, UltraTec) for the Czech and Slovak Republics with more than 40 years of experience in this field. Vollmer produces professional saw and tool grinders for most surfaces and hardnesses intended for production and service. Sharpening with grinding wheel, electroerosive and laser. Loroch sharpeners will take care of your HSS saws. Newly in the portfolio of the Vollmer group are the UltraTec ultrasonic deburring machines.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 054

Address of the company


Cukrovarnická 496/13
162 00, Praha 6
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 220 920 015

Represented brands

Loroch Universal grinding machines

ultraTEC Deburring machines

VOLLMER Universal grinding machines

Represented companies

Loroch GmbH
ultraTEC innovation GmbH
Vollmer Werke Maschinenfabrik GmbH

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