MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

Korinex s.r.o.

Company ID: 7672969

We are the exclusive sales and service representative of leading German companies in the field of cooling and temperature control solutions- ONIWärmetrafo GmbH and ONI Temperiertechnik Rhytemper® GmbH in the Czech and Slovak Republics. We offer our customers all services from a single source, from consulting, planning and construction of systems for cooling and refrigeration technology, heat recovery, air conditioning, ventilation and clean room technology, water treatment, mold
temperature control technology to service.

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 043

Address of the company


Žižkova třída 309/12
370 01, České Budějovice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 776 888 572

Represented brands

ONI-Wärmetrafo Cooling technology

ONI Temperiertechnik Rhytemper Heating technology

Represented companies

ONI-Wärmetrafo GmbH
ONI Temperiertechnik Rhytemper® GmbH

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