MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

LaserTherm spol. s r.o.

Company ID: 46579834

Lasertherm implement laser technologies and industrial robotics in the field of metal and plastic processing. Laser welding, cladding, hardening, cleaning, structuring and MIG/MAG robotization. We also offer hand held laser welding.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 038

Address of the company


Tyršova 932
330 27, Vejprnice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 735 756 585


ČSN ISO 45001:2018

ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016

ČSN EN ISO 14001:201

Represented brands


13.2.2 Machinery and equipment for gas shielded electric arc welding and surfacing (MIG, MAG)

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