MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

Mink Bürsten, August Mink GmbH & Co. KG

Company ID: 145476224

Global market leader in modern filament and brush technology
As a high-performance partner to thousands of well-known companies worldwide, August Mink GmbH & Co. KG can look back on a long history steeped in tradition since its foundation in 1845. This is characterized by innovative thinking, continuous further development, the highest quality standards and the primary goal of absolute customer satisfaction.
Every year, Mink produces millions of technical brushes from a range of well over 250,000 variants in four production plants in Göppingen. The continuous expansion of this site and the most modern machinery in our industry enable us to manufacture industrial brushes of the highest quality and to deliver quickly and always on time, including custom-made products.

LOCATION: Pavilion E / 019

Address of the company


Wilhelm-Zwick-Straße 13
73035, Göppingen
Germany Show the location of main office on map
+49 716 140 310

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