MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

Oerlikon HRSflow


Oerlikon HRSflow is a technology branch of the Swiss group Oerlikon.
Oerlikon HRSflow specializes in development and production of advanced hot runner systems for a wide range of applications in the plastic injection molding industry.
Business sectors include automotive, logistics and environmental, domestic appliances, mobility, houseware and gardening, technical applications, medical, beverage and home, thin wall packaging, beauty and personal care markets.
The Business Unit operates on a global structure with 3 manufacturing centers: Italy, China and the USA.
In addition, it provides global support through more than 50 sales / service centers worldwide with 24/7 technical service.

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 004

Address of the company


Via Piave, 4
31020, San Polo di Piave (TV)
Italy Show the location of main office on map
+39 042 275 011 1

Represented brands

Oerlikon HRSflow Hot runners

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