MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

Ovako AB

Company ID: 5568135338

At Ovako, we specialize in clean, high quality engineering steel tailored to the needs of customers in the bearing, transport, and manufacturing sectors. Our high-quality steel not only ensures lightweight and resilient products but also enables more sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions. Committed to sustainability, we achieved carbon neutral operation in January 2022, with a production based on recycled steel and fossil-free electricity. With 2900 dedicated employees and a global presence spanning over 30 countries, along with approximately EUR 1.1 billion in sales, Ovako, a subsidiary of Sanyo Special Steel and a proud member of Nippon Steel Corporation, stands at the forefront of the steel industry. Our purpose is clear: Together we create steel for a decarbonized society.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 075

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