MSV – International Industrial Fair

65th International Industrial Fair

platzmann federn gmbh & co. Kg


We not only produce and sell springs, we also know how to do it… for nearly 100 years.
platzmann federn gmbh & co. kg with its headquarters in Hagen, Westphalia, is considered one of the industry leaders in the field of spring technology.
The company is specialized in the production of compression, tension, torsion and flat springs as well as bent wire parts with a wire thickness of 0.08-62 mm made of spring steel wire, stainless alloys and up to 800 degree heat resistant wires.
Our products are primarily used in the automotive and agricultural machinery industry as well as in mechanical engineering and medical technology.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 047

Address of the company


Spannstiftstrasse 41
58119, Hagen
Germany Show the location of main office on map
+49 233 495 960


ISO 9001.

Fields of activity

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